Thursday, October 22, 2009

Beautfiul, Ecelectic. Realistic.

Now I lay me down to sleep.. 
     There once was a princess, beautiful  and free, no home to hold her back, she worked with nature and what she had on her back.

  • Eclectic dress that hits mid-thigh
  • Thick sweater shawl with beautiful and bold fringe
  • Brown boots (relaxed fit)


Gretchen Abigail said...

i love love love that dress! i want it haha nice work sarah :)

Chris said...

I'll be honest, I wasn't even paying attention to the clothes. I was too busy reading the cool little poem-type thingy on the side. Cleverly done, Sarah!

Name in progress said...

Thank you Gretchen!
Any requests?

Name in progress said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I like to think theme to fashion, that is why costumes are so much fun, I think.